Sunday, April 29, 2007

Submission of Third Draft - Project Progress Review

I just submitted the third draft that contains chapters 1 through to 5. I have one more chapter to write and then I will need to write the intro and conclusion. Time wise I am on track. This chapter and the next are really the chapters where I can add value and start to use the foundations of what I have learnt from the previous 4 chapters. This makes them quite hard to write too, since they require my own thought. Whereas the other chapters were more defining and explaining concepts and testing their validity. These next two chapters also are where I link in to Engineering. These are the chapters where I need to prove my hypothesis of whether the study of culture really is relevant to engineers. I have been doing a lot of searching through databases and reading journal articles. There is quite a lot out there and I have to filter through to make sure that what I have is relevant and appropriate for my task.

The next chapter will deal with Eastern versus Western culture, I am hoping to focus on Japan and Australia.

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